Tuesday, January 25, 2011

God's redeeming love

Well, here I am... where I didn't think I would be at this time. Looking back, all the waiting makes sense now. God was working on me, working on Amy, working on circumstances, healing hearts, and focusing desires. Six months ago I didn't think anyone was reading my blog.... turns out my future wife was reading!!
That's right, the beautiful Ms. Amy that God brought into my life said YES to my proposal last Saturday. So the countdown has begun for a wedding in May, just in time for new life, new growth. Rain brings forth flowers and beauty from death.

Amy and I have made a decision not to kiss till marriage and so many question this and wonder why we are doing this. We want to honor God and do all we can to protect each other from falling into sin. We have done it different in the past and it didn't work out well and was not God honoring, so we want to do it different this time. In Song of Songs it says in 3 different verses...."that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases." or " For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;" (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 ESV).
Proverbs also warns about it in many places.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. "
(Romans 12:2 ESV)

So we may be doing things different, we may not be doing it the way the world does and that is good. Jesus said he was not of this world, and as His chosen people we are to be called out, to be separate from the world, not to blend in and look just like the world. Ok, to continue...

We have much planning to do as we are also considering going on a trip to China in the middle of June to visit orphanages. We need to plan where we will live, who is moving where, jobs, and so on. If you are reading this, then please pray for us. We trust in our heavenly Father to guide and provide. I pray we will listen and obey. We are still praying about little Melanie and we are sad she has to be in a crib so much, we are thinking of you little one.

Let us not be afraid to step out in faith when He is calling us to. We know that when we align ourselves with His purposes and agenda that He will support, fund, and watch over it. This marriage is not as much about us as it is about Him, this is for His glory. We didn't do it, He brought us together, He must know we will be stronger together than we are apart, use us for your glory, your purposes, let us shine your light to a dark and hurting world.

See, you can trust Him. Wait on Him, if He is silent right now, be patient and know He loves you.



  1. Dear Roger, I am richly blessed to be chosen as your wife. I am so thankful for everyone who was praying for me, Roger's Godly spouse.
    You may not have known me, but God did. The adventure continues.....

  2. This makes me smile! Will be praying and watching to see the ways God is glorified in your relationship!

  3. Ha, Roger are you going to have to change the title of your blog to "OUR part in God's story"?

    Again, congratulations you two adventurous ones!
    Roger, the former ninja turned world missionary traveler and Amy, my former karoke entertainer turned worship singer!!!

    To God be the glory...

    Love Carla
