Tuesday, November 30, 2010

After waiting, a love story in the making.

It has been sometime since I have written, I have been traveling a lot lately because God led this amazing women (Amy) into my life. The funny thing is, she was reading my blog 3 months before we made contact. I really didn't think I was going to meet someone this year. Someone from my prayer group told me that at the harvest time this year, God was going to give me more, and part of my destiny would start to be fulfilled. I prayed with faith that this was going to come true...

So after hearing about me from a friend Amy found my blog and started reading. She liked what she was reading and found herself crying about some things she read. She never made any comments despite her friends persuasion. She felt God saying, Your not the pursuer. So she waited..

She found herself praying for someone she didn't even know, not knowing that God was weaving our paths closer and closer together...

My friend told me about her and said she might be interested in me and I should make contact with her. I said I would pray about it but didn't want to be set up again. I did pray and wasn't sure for a couple weeks. After about 3 weeks I decided to take a risk and contact her. After our initial contact by computer I acquired her phone number and made a call...

So our first phone conversation was on Aug 15, 2010 and lasted about 8 hrs! I guess we didn't have much to talk about, ha! We kept in contact and decided to have a face to face, not a date yet, but wanted to see what would happen in person. We met at a Panera in the early afternoon, I ordered her a iced green tea and had it waiting for her upon her arrival. I was a little nervous waiting there in anticipation of what this afternoon may have in store for us...

I see her pull up and am trying to decide what I should do.... Umm do I stand here, meet her half way? act cool, don't let her think your desperate. Well.. I see her coming and she is caring something so I go to help her and... she is beautiful! the pictures on the computer didn't do her justice. I am excited.... I wonder what she thinks?? We greet, we sit, we talk... for around 11 hrs ! what! Yes that is not a mistake typo, we shut Panera down and watched the workers come in to make the bread! Leaving around 2:30 am, haha.

We shared so much, we laughed, I read to her, we looked at pictures. We have so much in common and share the same interests. We both love God and want to search out His will for our lives. We have had many confirmations that God is in this. I do believe this is who God has chosen for my future spouse. I can't believe this is happening, and never saw it coming. We never know what God may be up to. He has been forming us and remolding us for each other and at Just the Right time, He shows us some of what He has been up to...

So on Sept 3, 2010 we started our courtship. We have made a commitment not to kiss till marriage and to keep ourselves pure physically and try our best mentally. We want to do this His way and for Him to get the Glory! We want people to praise Him when we speak of what He is doing.

Now we wait for more of His plan. He has put more contacts for orphans and adoption in our path and recently a specific little girl in China named Melanie who is in an orphanage. She is 14 months old and doesn't have full arms or legs, would you pray for her? God showed this girl to my Amy weeks before and I didn't know about it. She had forgot to tell me about her and I came across her by looking through the children at this orphanage on-line. She caught my eye out of many many children and all with special needs. I send Amy a link showing her Melanie and she doesn't yet realize this is the same girl that was brought to her attention weeks before.... till she finds a paper with some things she wanted to tell me. I also found out about a guy named Nick Vujicic who doesn't have arms or legs and has a ministry you can found out about HERE.

I don't know yet what this all means for Amy and I or Melanie, but God does. I will just keep on being obedient to what He does show me. I will keep praying for His will to be clear and for me to keep walking the narrow road.

To Him be the Glory, Honor, and Praise forever! Be encouraged friends and keep seeking Him!



  1. Ok, I think it is safe to comment on your blog now.........I like this one.
    Roger, Yes, the Lord is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think (imagine) Eph 3:20
    Here I am again sitting at the computer reading your blog and shedding tears again but this time it is for a man I am getting to know very well. I saw before a Godly man through your writing and now I get to see a Godly man through your actions and deeds and your bearing much fruit. I see Christ dwelling in your heart through your faith as you are rooted and grounded in HIS love. (Eph 3:17)
    I know a man who has the fear of the Lord, who lays down his life to follow Christ. A man you loves the Lord with all his heart soul mind and strength. (Duet 6:5) Daily you are loving others as Christ has loved you (John 15:12)
    Roger, I bless you with letting steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. (James 1:4)
    I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ. (Phil 1:6) i see a man who is rich in good works, generous and ready to share (1 Tim 6:18)
    Roger, thank you for daily being an encouragement to me in my walk with the Lord. Thank you for leading me in the Lord's righteousness by washing me with his word.
    Roger you are beautiful in God's sight and because you have Christ living in you, you are also beautiful in my sight.

  2. You both are such an inspiration to our family, individually and together as a couple. Being on Amy's side of things and praying for a godly man, we had no idea how he would answer this exceedingly abundantly beyond what we could even ask or imagine. I can see how the Lord has done this for you too, Roger, in bringing you Amy!!!

    I know the Lord has great plans for your lives and I certainly hope Steve and I get to be close to you in your future together, but if this is not His will, I pray the Lord would always surround you with loving people who will support your vision!

    God bless you now and always
    Much love and prayers
