Saturday, July 17, 2010

God's Timing

God keeps teaching me about patience and waiting on Him. I am still reading this little book by Andrew Murray, called Waiting on God. I'm taking it slow and reading each chapter twice, trying to soak it in.

While reading the Word one morning this verse jumped out. I have read it before and it was good then also, but it had a special ring so to speak this time. The verse is in Deut. "It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”
(Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV)

It reminds me that I should not worry ( along with many other verses about worrying ) about what will come. I fear it shows lack of trust, but in my heart I feel it's more that I will miss what He has for me. I don't hear clearly from the Holy Spirit as some describe they do. I get little impressions that are hard to discern and easy to miss. Each time, I have to question, is this you Lord or just my conscience? I guess that makes us more dependent on Him??

I started reading and have since finished a book on Gladys Alyward, a 1900's missionary to China. It was a great book and inspiring story of her life and work for the Lord. It also showed me that just because you do what the Lord wants you to do, doesn't mean it will be without trial and testing. Her life was not easy to say the least. I would recommend this book to people interested in missionary work. The one I have is from YWAM publishing.

This particular part was so good, I had to put the book down, laugh, and just reflect on how God works and His timing. At that time in China little girls feet were bound, which means they were bent under in half and wrapped with cloth to make their feet "small". They thought women shouldn't have "big" feet. The mandarin came to Gladys, which is the high official of the local army, and told her he needed her help. The mandarin doesn't visit you unless you are going to be executed or something else very important. To make it short, He asked for Gladys to go with escorted soldiers while being paid to each village, and make sure every girl's feet were unbound.

She was the only one who could travel to do it, since her feet were not bound like Chinese women. Men couldn't do it because they shouldn't look at woman's feet. He said she was the only one who could do it! Then she tells him, she is a Christian and came to share her faith with others and would want to make others believe as she does. This is how he responded. " It is most important that foot binding stop immediately. As to your religion, it is not of any importance to me. Speak of what you will. If the women become Christians, they will want their daughters to have unbound feet like you, and that will be a good thing." Ha, like wow, God is so amazing. I won't spoil the story for you but if you read the book, keep this statement in mind.

So it inspires to keep waiting on the Lord and His timing, that I will be where He wants me to be if I keep seeking, asking, and waiting. It doesn't make it easier as each day I have to remind myself of this. I feel God is stirring my spirit and I don't feel comfortable where I am at now. I want to be living for His glory in light of eternity, to make an impact on lives, for the least of these. Thanks for reading, may God lead you.
