Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wait upon God

I am reading a little book called, Waiting on God by Andrew Murray. I am learning that even if it doesn't seem like God is leading me because I am not where I want to be, or feel I am being used, that He is leading me. (story of Joseph's life) If I am seeking His will, abiding in Him, waiting on Him for guidance, then I must trust that I am where He wants me. Even this past weekend when I took a short trip to MO, I can see His guidance with people I met, and the timing of everything.
This book is good and I wanted to share a paragraph on page 23.

"Let us resolve at once that it shall be the one characteristic of our life and worship, a continual, humble, truthful waiting upon God. We may rest assured that He who made us for Himself, that He might give Himself to us and in us, that He will never disappoint us. In waiting on Him we shall find rest and joy and strength, and the supply of every need."

I feel time is drawing closer that it will be a season of change for me. I am excited as to what the Lord will lead me into. I have prayed for specific requests and have written them down, so when they come to pass, it will be a testimony to share, and an encouragement to my faith.

May the Lord bless you in your walk as you wait upon Him.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The cross made a way

There are many things that I haven't written on here because it doesn't seem like people read it. I felt this was worth putting down either way.

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, for the cross has made a way so we can enter in, where we were once not allowed, there was a separation, but now there is reconciliation.

The man Adam sinned in the garden, he followed his Own will. He caused separation, death, and cursing.

Jesus came to make a way back to God, Jesus went to a garden and prayed, not My will, but Your will be done. Jesus wanted His Father's will above his own. He brought reconciliation, life, and blessing to mankind, by following the will of the Father. Aren't you glad he did?

I want to follow His plan for my life, He knows the end, He knows what's best. I will follow the Lamb wherever He goes.